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Below are a few excellent resources to learn more about litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling and what you can do to make your part of the world a greener place.

Keep America Beautiful believes that each of us holds an obligation to preserve and protect our environment. Through our everyday choices and actions, we collectively have a huge impact on our world. It's really a simple concept, but one with far reaching effects.  This is an excellent site with a ton of resources on litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling & ways you can get involved.


Keep The Shoals Beautiful – your information source for litter prevention, waste reduction and beautification. KTSB is a non-profit affiliate of  Keep America Beautiful, dedicated to promoting a cleaner, healthier and safer community and to protecting our natural resources through education, enforcement and action.


Steve Trash is a man who will make you laugh until you get the hiccups, and teach you some pretty cool stuff at the same time.  “You can’t do everything to protect our environment… but you can do something.”  That’s the eco-empowering message that green entertainer Steve Trash – Rockin’ Eco Hero and Kid Comedian – brings to adoring fans all over the planet. Since 1984, Steve Trash has entertained over 20 million kids with live ecological illusions, magic tricks, and family-friendly fun appearing in live venues all over the world including Japan, Australia, Canada. He’s even performed his magic tricks above the Arctic Circle.


An excellent resource site from National Geographic



Take Pride Statewide – The Conference for Litter Prevention


Alabama Recycle Coaltion