Oil Recycling
Beginning in 2008, the City of Florence began a biodiesel
recycling program.
The first batch of biodiesel was made August
19, 2008. A year later, we have made a total of 840
gallons of 100% biodiesel from used cooking oil. This means
that 840 gallons of cooking oil did not go to the sewer and
it did not go into the landfill. In fact it was turned into
a useable product:
The 840 gallons of biodiesel has been blended with purchased
diesel to create 5, 10, 15, or 20% blends producing 3900
gallons of blended fuel for city vehicles.
Oil Drop Off Locations
Killen Foodland
on Hwy 72
Killen Senior Center
on JC Mauldin
Elgin Foodland
on Hwy 101
Rogersville Police
Department 59 Patton Street
Rogersville Foodland
on Hwy 72.
Coussons Gas Station
on Hwy 20 / Savannah Hwy near Central
Florence Recycling Center
on1200 Terrace Street, Florence
City of Florence Residence
Garbage Day!
Where: Place
recyclables on the curb 3 feet from your garbage bag
What Can Be Recycled?