Recycling Program






Cooking Oil


Cardboard – both corrugated and chipboard (boxes for cereal, laundry detergents, foods, can drinks, etc.)

            Paper – All paper is recyclable, even shredded

Aluminum – All aluminum is recyclable including cans, foil, gutters, lawn chairs, etc.

            Steel – Cans for food (rinsed, please) and other types of metal

Plastic – Bottles and jugs with a #1 or #2 in the triangle on the     bottom.  Examples include beverage bottles, shampoo containers, washing agents, etc

Motor Oil – Please leave it in a container curbside.  No antifreeze, brake fluids, or cooking oils 

Cooking Oil - Put in an empty milk jug or 2 Liter soda bottle



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 Public Service Announcement Videos

Specifications for Recycling Pickup in the City of Florence

Residential Customers

Residential recycling is offered curbside throughout the city on a weekly basis.  The City of Florence Solid Waste and Recycling plant is located at 1200 Terrace Street in Florence.  Click Here for Location Map.  This location has bins located outside that are available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, and are available to anyone who wants to recycle.

Following is a list of materials currently being collected curbside by the City of Florence:


Things we cannot accept:

  • Plastics, other than what is listed above (including food containers, dishes, wrapping plastics, shopping bags, etc.)

  • Styrofoam (egg cartons, packing materials, cups, etc.)

  • Glass