Recycling Program






Cooking Oil


Commercial Recycling

Businesses seek to improve the quality of life for employees, customers and the community as a whole.  A good business waste management program involves reducing waste, reusing products and recycling waste materials

The benefits of such a program:

·        Extend the life of our landfill

·        Reduce your disposal costs

·        Provide recyclable materials to make new products, saving raw materials

·        Move Alabamians away from the “throw-away” society

·        Conserve/preserve the environment for future generations

What’s recyclable at my business?

The bulk of recyclables generated by businesses and accepted at our recycle plant include:

  • Computer paper: Auto feed and manual office computer paper
  • Sorted office paper: Manila folders, ledger paper, white paper, color copy paper, shredded paper, NCR forms, envelopes, non-glossy fliers (No carbon paper is accepted)
  • Newspaper: All contents
  • Cardboard: Boxes (broken down and flattened)
  • Other paper:  magazines, catalogs, phone directories
  • Aluminum: all aluminum is recyclable.

How often will recycle items be collected from my business?  That decision is based on the volume and types of recyclable materials generated by your business.  After an evaluation of such, your business will be put on one of our recycle routes—and the best feature of this service—There’s no extra charge!

How should my business recyclables be prepared for collection?  Place them at the designated site by 7AM and they should be collected by 2:30PM.  Businesses find it convenient to put paper in clear or light color bags.  Cardboard may be broken down and flattened.

To schedule a recycle collection for your business, call the Recycling Department at 760-6466.

The City of Florence Recycle Center also accepts aluminum, plastic bottles & jugs (with 1’s & 2’s), steel cans.  For information about recycling those items; scheduling a recycle program or plant tour, please call the Recycling Department at 760-6466.